平台:Zoom Meetings
会议室ID:895 3113 0176
华研行政部 敬邀
Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies (CMCS) is holding the launch of Contemporary Malaysia book series followed by a forum titled ‘Issues and Challenges Facing Contemporary Malaysia’ on 4 September 2021 over Zoom Meetings. Dr Ngeow Chow Bing (Contemporary Malaysia series editor; academic director of CMCS; director of the Institute of China Studies, University of Malaya) will be the moderator of the forum. Speakers of the forum are Dr Phoon Wing Keong (editor of Contemporary Malaysia: Government and Politics; commentator of current affairs; academic director of CMCS) and Associate Professor Dr Zhong Darong (director of the Research Centre for Malaysia, director of the Documentation Center for Overseas Chinese Studies, Huaqiao University).
Platform: Zoom Meetings
Meeting ID: 895 3113 0176
Passcode: 0904
Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89531130176?pwd=eS8vNEttcEZobVhaUmZyUy80bnJ4dz09
Live on: facebook.com/cmcsmalaysia
There is a participant limit to the event on Zoom Meetings. If you aren’t able to log in, please join us on our Facebook page where it will be live streamed.
CMCS Admin Department