Journal of Malaysian Chinese Studies, Volume 28, 2022
出版 Publisher:华社研究中心 Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies
本期主编 Guest Editor:阮湧俰博士 Dr YON Weng Woe
国际书号 ISSN:1511-0044
页数 No. of Pages:71
售价 Price:RM25
目录 / Contents:
一般论文 / Research Articles
1. 海外华侨与中国抗战:北婆罗洲华侨筹赈祖国难民运动探析(1937-1941) / 张元 Overseas Chinese and the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression: Analysis on the Campaign of Overseas Chinese in North Borneo to Raise Relief for Refugees in China (1937-1941) / ZHANG Yuan
2. 二战时砂拉越华人的民族精神建构 / 阮光安 The Construction of Nationalism of the Chinese in Sarawak during World War II / WAN Kong Ann
3. 从敌后到光复:马来亚人民抗日军在边佳兰(1943-1945) / 莫家浩 From Behind the Enemy Lines to Liberation: Activities of MPAJA in Pengerang (1943-1945) / BAK Jia How
书评 / Book Review
4. 白伟权:《赤道线的南洋密码:台湾@马来半岛的跨域文化田野踏查志》台北:麦田, 2022, 442页 / 庄仁杰