Title: Malaysian Chinese and Nation-building: Before Merdeka and Fifty Years After (Volume 1)
Editor: Voon Phin Keong
ISBN: 978-983-3908-02-8 (Soft cover)
978-983-3908-03-5 (Hard cover)
Date of Publication: 2007
Language: English
Cover: Soft and hard
Pages: 460
RM60 (Soft cover); RM90 (Hard cover)
Seamail: US50 (Soft cover); US70 (Hard cover)
Airmail: US60 (Soft cover); US80 (Hard cover)
The primary purpose of this book is to examine the contributions of the Malaysian Chinese community in nation-building. Attention is focused principally on the post-independence period but with justified emphasis on the earlier era that constituted the formative stage of the country as a political state. The areas and extent of Chinese contributions are multi-faceted. The present study deals with the more crucial areas that determine the vigour and durability of the Malaysian nation-state. These are identified as the economic, political and cultural aspects of life that combine to make what it is today and that will have a profound influence on its future prospects.
Volume one is divided into three parts, namely, introduction, historical background, and economic perspective. Volume two will deal with nation-building from the political and cultural perspective.
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