Title: Malaysian Chinese and Nation-building: Before Merdeka and Fifty Years After (Volume 2)
Editor: Voon Phin Keong
ISBN: 978-983-3908-05-9 (Soft cover)
978-983-3908-06-6 (Hard cover)
Date of Publication: 2008
Language: English
Cover: Soft and hard
Pages: 336
RM60 (Soft cover); RM90 (Hard cover)
Seamail: US50 (Soft cover); US70 (Hard cover)
Airmail: US60 (Soft cover); US80 (Hard cover)
This volume primarily deal with Malaysian Chinese contribution focusing on the political and cultural perspectives.
The present volume contains ten chapters, contributed by Wong Wun Bin, Lee Kam Hing, Danny Wong Tze Ken, Ho Hui Ling, Yow Cheun Hoe, Thock Ker Pong, Lim Chooi Kwa, Voon Phin Keong, Chong Fah Hing and Chung Yi.
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