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Malaysian Chinese: An Inclusive Society

时间:2011-11-07   点击:

马来西亚华人与国族建构 (上册)

Book Title:Malaysian Chinese: An Inclusive Society
Publisher:Centre for Malaysian Chinese Studies
Price:RM 15.00


The papers in this publication are studies on the Chinese communicity in Malaysia in relation to developments in Southeast Asia. The formation of Chinese communities in the region were established by waves of migration into the region over periods of time. However, given the proximity to China, there has been and there will always be the reminder of an exogenous influence, the China factor, on the Chinese communities in the region. In fact the Xinhua News Agency from the People's Republic of China reported recently, with pride, that there are now an estimated forty five million Overseas Chinese all over the world.

Studies as presented by the authors indicate the diversity of the Chinese community in Malaysia. Often the community is mistakenly perceived as a monolithic entity. The truth could not be more different. The community comprise minority groups such as Chinese Muslims, Chinese Christians and Peranakans, besides the common perception of only Buddhists and Taoists. All are Malaysian Chinese but different in their faiths and worldviews. There are also the Chinese communities in Sarawak and Sabah. They had developed and evolved historically in the local context, different from their Peninsula compatriots. Until recently there as little interaction among the three communities.

In the face of rapid geo-political and socia-economic globalization and change, what does the future hold for the community?

While the papers presented do not provide a direct answer, the authors have given us glimpses of key trends past and present, that help in understanding the direction of change confronting the Malaysian Chinese community.

