Title: The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics and Science in English: The Perspectives of Primary School Administrators, Teachers and Pupils
Authors: LIM Chap Sam (林洁心), FATIMAH Saleh, TANG Keow Ngang (陈娇雁)
ISBN: 978-983-3908-01-1
Date of Publication: July, 2007
Language: English, 中文
Cover: Soft (平装)
Pages: 58
Price: RM10
This study examines the implementation of teaching mathematics and science in English from the perspectives of primary school administrators, mathematics and science teachers, and their students. A total of 443 primary mathematics and science teachers and 787 Primary Five pupils from 20 schools in three northern states in northern Peninsular Malaysia participated in this study. The opinions of 13 principals and seven senior assistants with experience on the implementation of the policy were also solicited.
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